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Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild Annual Members’ Judged Show
Entry Rules and Requirements
Keep this page for reference;
return Entry Form on page 2 only!
Eligibility: Open to all artists and crafts persons who are members in good standing of the Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild. Each entry must have been created in the past 2 years, must be original and never shown before in a WACG
Judged or Juried exhibit. You may enter up to two pieces. No slides or photographs are required to enter. Work created in a class setting or with the help of an instructor is not eligible. It is advisable to have written permission (Model Release) to use the recognizable likeness of any person; however, this is the sole responsibility of each artist.
Categories: Awards will be presented in Professional, Non Professional, Student and New Artist categories. For the purposes of
entering this show, you are a PROFESSIONAL ARTIST if you have earned a reportable annual income of $600 or more, including sales, awards, teaching or any other art related income within the past 5 years
New Artists are those who have begun creating in the past 2 years.
Students are those 18-25 years old enrolled in an accredited institution.
If not indicated on the entry form, you will be entered as a Professional.
Medium: Oil, watercolors, pastel, pen and ink, acrylic, collage, pencil, charcoal, batik, mixed media, photography, fabric and/or textiles, sculpture and original computer art.
Size Limits (Two Dimensional): FRAMED size must be no larger than 36 inches in width or length. Any work exceeding these limits will not be hung.
Size Limits (Three Dimensional): No larger than 36” in width or depth X 60” in height. May not exceed 100 lbs per sq. foot.
Entry Fee: $25.00 for up to two pieces.
Make checks payable to WACG and indicate on front of check that it is for the Judged Show Entry Fee. WACG will charge a 30% commission on all sales. WACG will not collect sales taxes on work sold during the show. Each artist is responsible for all taxes and should consider this in pricing your work.
Hanging Preparations: All work to be hung must be framed in a professional manner and securely wired for hanging. No clip mountings will be accepted. Gallery wraps will be accepted if at least one inch in depth and painted on all four edges.
Some pedestals are available but 3-Dimensional artists are asked to provide pedestals if possible. Please place artist’s name and title of work on upper right corner (back) of each piece before delivery to Springmaid. For Three Dimensional work, artist ID information may be placed on the back or bottom
Deadline for entry: Completed Entry Form and $25.00 entry fee must be returned to: WACG,
Delivery of Artwork: Work will be delivered to Springmaid Beach Resort on Wednesday, November 2nd from 9 A.M. to 12 Noon.
Final Judging will take place after the show is hung.
Any work requiring special handling or considered so fragile as to cause a hazard, or deemed unsuitable for public family display may be rejected at the sole discretion of the WACG show committee.
All entries conforming to the stated rules will be accepted unless otherwise notified by WACG.
No work may be removed before closing of the show.
Reception: The reception and awards presentation will be on
Thursday, November 3rd from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M.
However, the exhibit will open for public viewing on Thursday at 10 A.M. Over $2.000.00 in awards will be presented. Winners will be announced at the reception. There will also be a People’s Choice Award which will be announced at the closing of the show.
Close of Exhibit:
Tuesday, November 8th at 3 P.M.
Pick up: Entries must be reclaimed on Tuesday, November 8th, between 3 and 5 P.M. WACG is not responsible for artwork left beyond that date. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to arrange for someone to pick up your work if you are not able to. It is a major inconvenience for the show directors to have to be responsible for YOUR WORK if not picked up on time. PLEASE be responsible and take care of this ahead of time.
Oct 14 - Entry Deadline / Nov 2, 9am- 12 noon. -Deliver Artwork / Nov 8, 3 pm to 5 pm Pick Up Artwork
Show is open daily 10 am to 5 pm Nov 3rd -Nov 8th / Reception Thursday November 3, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
WACG Members’ Judged Show – Entry Form
Return the $25 Entry Fee and the signed Entry Form (keep the information section) to
Artist Information
Circle One
Category: Professional Non-Professional New Artist Student [ Institution _____________________]
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________
Phone _____________________________ Email ________________________________
Title 1 _____________________________ Title 2 _____________________________
Medium _____________________________ Medium _____________________________
Framed Size _____________________________ Framed Size _____________________________
Year Completed _______ Price _____ NFS Year Completed _______ Price _____ NFS
____ I am willing to sit at the show [sign up for a time slot when you drop off your artwork].
Artist’s Signature (invalid unless signed) ________________________________________
I understand that by signing this form I agree to all terms and conditions herein stated.