Friday, September 26, 2014

Class Demo from 9/25/14

This is a demo of a landscape painted from the inspiration of a photo of a marshy area here in South Carolina,  Kurt was nice enough to snap the photo since my i-phone was stuck at the time.

The steps so far:

1 - I began with the sky, making it more intense than the photo.  I like to use more intense colors in my paintings to add pizzazz to them.  The sky is a darker value at the top and becomes a lighter value at the horizon to add visual depth to the painting.

2 - I added the tree line.  Distant trees are less detailed than those 'closer' to the viewer.  A gradual V-shape pulls the viewer's eyes to the focal point where the water leaves the marsh area to the left.

3 -  The sandy soil under the grasses was blocked in.

4 - The water was painted in, lighter in value near the horizon, becoming a deeper value towards the bottom of the canvas.  The variations in the water add interest.  The water is smoothed out to remove brush strokes to give the mirrored appearance of still water.

to be continued at class on Thursday.  9-noon  Base Rec Center

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