We held our October Board of Directors meeting today. We met at the
Woodhaven Pancake House on S. Kings Hwy. Not only did we have a delicious breakfast we got a chance to socialize and get some work done too.
We went over the plans for our Fall Show at First Federal Bank. The artists will drop off their work on Monday. We will need volunteers to man the tables from 3 to 5 and then to help hang the show from 5 pm til its done. If you can help please come by.
There is one more Art in the Park in November. Spaces are available if anyone is interested in showing.
We are planning out our general meetings for the next year or so. November is still in the works but we are trying to get a stained glass artist to come and
demonstrate her work. December will be our Christmas party plus Dixie
Dugan will hold a critique for anyone who wants to bring in something for her to review. January Kate
Lagely will discuss how to enter the 'big' shows plus have a slide show showing the entries received for the Kentucky Watercolor
Society's national show. February we hope to have someone from the SC
Watermedia Society to speak/demo. March will be a presentation by an Installation Artist - something new for our group. Make plans to come and attend any or all of our programs. They are open to the public and are free of charge. They are held on the 3rd Sat of the month at the B&C museum, in the 2
nd floor studio.
Virginia was officially elected the board. She has been coming and participating. Since we had a quorum we made it
official. Welcome!
Next board meeting will be after the November general meeting. Again at the pancake house, all are invited to attend.