Tuesday, May 27, 2008

End of Show

The WACG Spring Juried Show came down yesterday. Thanks to everyone who participated. Thanks to the team who helped with the reception. Thanks to all of the artists that entered, as well as those that got in and those that brought their work and picked it up on time. There is a tremendous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes, the artists that follow the guidelines help make this job easier. Those that don't make like so much more difficult to those running the show.

You should be able to track your art and your show participation. Have a spot on your bulletin board to put the info, put it in your calendar, stick it on your fridge... Don't be the problem child.

Special thanks to the museum and everyone one there that helped so much. And last but definitely not least, the person the did the most to get this show up and running and who did the majority of the work - Thanks to Phyllis Dunn. Another great job!!!

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