Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Future Newsletters

It has been too hot to do too much phyical work. Even in the a/c I feel sort of lazy. So yesterday I spent the day writing articles for future issues of my newsletter. I seem to have days when I am in a mood to write and it comes easier than on other days. I was in the right mood so I took advantage of it and got stuff ready for some future months. I always seem to get very busy in the fall, so I have 'inventory' ready for the next couple of months. Most information about the creative process no matter if it is about the right mind-set or the right technique is timeless, it doesn't get stale. That is why I don't mind writing ahead and being prepared - yes I use to be a Girl Scout! It is also why I put past issues out on my web site, they are still useful today.


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